Hearts for the House

Building a Church for the next gen.

The church as it exists today is the result of the generosity of a group of faithful givers. Motion, the church of the future, will not be built on the dedication and generosity of a few, but on the faith of many.

We envision a world where generations come to know God, live in freedom, walk in their calling, and make a positive impact on the people around them. This is what we long to see in every street in Utrecht and across the Netherlands. Over the past year, many have chosen Jesus and been baptized in Motion.

The Heart for the House offering is intended to take steps of faith through our collective generosity. We dream of a House where countless lives will be transformed—together, shoulder to shoulder.



Why Generosity?

Generosity begins with God. He gave us everything we have and has so much more in store for us. He teaches us His generosity. Being generous can take many forms—through money, time, talents, and so much more.

In the Old Testament (e.g., Deuteronomy 12), we read about different ways of financial giving: tithes and firstfruits (structured giving), offerings (giving with a purpose, such as gratitude, atonement, or honoring God), and alms (spontaneous giving).

In the New Testament, Jesus teaches us that giving is something natural (Matthew 6) and that it should come from the heart, not from rules or expectations.

Deuteronomy 16 shows us how God taught His people to come to His house several times a year with an offering proportionate to the blessings they had experienced during that time.

In 1 Chronicles 21:24, we see King David as an inspiring example of how an offering to God should cost us something.

The Heart for the House offering is a biblical offering that we give together twice a year, each according to their ability, to build God’s church. It’s a biblical offering that holds a special place alongside our tithes and gifts. It enables us to take significant steps toward fulfilling God’s plan for His church and the city of Utrecht.

Do you dare to believe with us for more salvations, freedom, growth, and a powerful light in Utrecht?

Vision Partner

Do you want to help build the House for the long term? You can become a Vision Partner with Motion. This is for people who, in addition to their Heart for the House offering, tithes, and gifts, want to commit to giving an extra contribution each year for 5 years or more. Through this, you can create an even greater impact for God through Motion Church.

We recommend confirming this recurring gift with a ‘periodic gift agreement’ to take advantage of additional tax benefits. With this agreement, the lower threshold of 1% and the upper threshold of 10% do not apply to the amount you give. These thresholds do apply to other donations made to ANBIs. Want to learn more about giving or tax benefits? Send an email to [email protected].

*From €500 per year, you can become a Vision Partner with Motion!